How I stopped ADHD from ruining my life This is my story on how I went through the long and difficult process of taking back control of my mind and body, and not letting ADHD get the upper hand.
Why teenagers aren't ruining the English language The information in this article is from a 2016 study, but we believe it is still relevant at the time of this article. The article is referring to this study in the 2023 era, with TikTok and short-form content becoming the norm. Teenage slang is often extremely confusing to adults
Teens Guide: How to identify misinformation online Misinformation and fake news are all over are Tik-Tok feeds, search results, Instagram feed, and even our Facebook feed (if anyone under 40 even uses that). As teenagers, we might feel overwhelmed with all of this information and find it hard to separate the truth from the false. Luckily we
Are we too reliant on computers? See how schools contribute to screentime. Schools in the United States have been incorporating technology into their curriculum now more than ever. This technology has made teaching and learning both efficient and easy. From handing out assignments to engaging with students, technology has become a core part of every classroom. But with students spending 6 hours
How drones in Rwanda deliver lifesaving medical supplies throughout the country Within the country of Rwanda, a company has been doing lifesaving work since 2014. They use drones to deliver medical supplies to several remote villages. With only two stations, the drones have coverage within the whole country of Rwanda. With Rwanda's lack of road systems, a 1-day trip
Here's how to stop sleeping in class I get it, you've had a rough night studying or playing games. Maintaining a sleep schedule and keeping yourself awake in class is hard. You'll become even sleepier during classes you don't have an interest in. During these times it's important to
ProtonMail Review: Worthy alternative to Gmail? Recently, I've seen a lot of talk in the technology industry about ProtonMail, a service that advertises "private" emailing. So I decided to try it out and see if it's as good as it's said to be and whether it can compete